Identifying Signs of Postpartum Depression

Identifying Signs of Postpartum Depression

The birth of a child is one of the most anticipated experiences a mother dreams of. Snuggling the newborn, the smell of their skin, and all of the wonderful feelings of holding your baby. But what if you don’t have that feeling of elation? What if you feel detached?...
Myths About Therapy

Myths About Therapy

Views and opinions about counseling varies depending on your era and your the family dynamic.  Maybe you were taught to put on a game face and suck it up no matter what just happened. Or your family lived by the rule that nobody needs to know our business....
Counseling for Infertility

Counseling for Infertility

All aspects of your life from relationships to your own self-image are affected when faced with a diagnosis of infertility. Life experiences and your personality shape the way you handle this often unexpected news which is why we offer counseling for infertility. Many...
How Long Will I Be in Therapy?

How Long Will I Be in Therapy?

This is a common question we hear when people call for counseling services in Jacksonville or any of our other locations. We can answer some questions about therapy are easily. However, this is not one of them. Because therapy is not a one size fits all and everyone...
What to Expect in Your First Therapy Session

What to Expect in Your First Therapy Session

Your first therapy session will start similarly to a doctor’s appointment.  When you arrive, there will be paperwork you’ll need to complete.  The forms include your insurance and basic personal information, medical and family history, symptoms questionnaire, privacy...
Managing ADHD with Counseling

Managing ADHD with Counseling

ADHD – or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – affects millions of children across the globe. It’s most often treated with one or more prescriptions. As a pediatric counseling center, we know that managing ADHD with counseling is possible and may be a better...
How Counseling Helps Teens With Eating Disorders

How Counseling Helps Teens With Eating Disorders

Counseling for eating disorders goes hand in hand with recovery from an eating disorder. Counseling for your teen is a key component in their recovery process. Teens who engage in a combination of eating disorder counseling and a treatment program have a higher...
Choosing Your Counselor

Choosing Your Counselor

Choosing a counselor is a very personal decision. You are making a choice  to open yourself up to a total stranger. Putting your emotional and mental health in the hands of another is not something to take lightly. When choosing a counselor, there are several factors...