Nature Therapy | Garrett Counseling | Huntsville AL

Nature – Based Therapy is becoming the therapy of choice for many counselors, and with research showing positive results, it’s easy to see why! Nature – Based Therapy refers to programs that promote mental health through an on outdoor environment. At Garrett Counseling, we are big proponents of it, and here is why:

Decreased Stress and Depression

It is proven to decrease stress and help recover from stress-related mental disorders. It participants said they felt a sense of peace and serenity after a session. Studies also show that it reduces depression in participants. In fact, it is said that those without much nature interaction are 40% more likely to develop mood disorders and 20% more likely to suffer from anxiety disorders.

Nature Therapy | Garrett Counseling | Huntsville AL

Improved Self – Efficacy and Self – Esteem

Nature – Based Therapy is also shown to improve self-efficacy and self-esteem. Participants reported feeling more satisfied with themselves and their abilities following therapy.

Social Benefits

The therapy also provides many social benefits. Following treatments, participants viewed others more positively. During therapy, participants are able to build social networks and skills, such as communication, managing behavior, and social boundaries. Research also shows that nature results in fewer cases of domestic violence and abuse. Participants were also able to show empathy and learn not to live for serving others.

Improved Physical Health

Nature – Therapy is shown to improve physical health, as well as psychological health. Stroke patients who were treated using it showed a greater recovery of physical mobility than those who did not receive the nature therapy. Those who spend time in nature also report lower blood pressure, decrease in obesity, and better overall physical conditions.

Nature Therapy | Garrett Counseling | Huntsville AL

Stimulated Learning Abilities

The therapy also stimulates learning abilities. Research suggests that Nature – Based Therapy improves memory, attention span, creativity, and imagination. ADHD patients also reported a decrease in symptoms.

Now you see why we advocate Nature – Based Therapy! We implement the therapy regularly and have seen the benefits. Are you interested in learning more about us or our services? Contact us today!