Fresh Start For Spring

Fresh Start For Spring

Spring has arrived, and with that – we thought it was the perfect time to revisit the idea of a “fresh start” and how counseling can change your life. The holiday season is now long in the rearview mirror and the new year is in full swing. The end of a year can...
Improv & Mental Health

Improv & Mental Health

Improvisational comedy, or simply, “improv”, has been around for decades. You’ve probably seen it on the internet or on popular television shows. It is all about working with others to make scenes or play games with a humorous twist on them. Improv is a lot of fun,...
How Therapy Can Help Women Experiencing Menopause

How Therapy Can Help Women Experiencing Menopause

We don’t like to talk about “the change.” In fact, it seems like “the change” is shameful and should only be discussed secretly. What is this change we’re talking about? Menopause! The National Institute on Aging states that one million women experience menopause each...
How Can Therapy Help College Students?

How Can Therapy Help College Students?

College can be one of the most exciting times in a young adult’s life. It often brings about new friendships, experiences, independence, and exploration into interests and the direction of one’s life. Along with all the good things that college can bring, it can...
Why Should I Find A Therapist Near Me

Why Should I Find A Therapist Near Me

Therapy has many benefits. In this blog, we are going to explore those benefits and why you should find a therapist near you. How Therapy Is Beneficial Mental health is three-fold. It includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Impacts to your mental...
Now Is A Great Time To Start Counseling

Now Is A Great Time To Start Counseling

Listen to this video as Counselor Rachel discusses the benefits of starting counseling now. A transcription of this video can be found below. Video Transcription: Hi there. I’m Rachel and I am an ALC with Garrett Counseling in Huntsville, Alabama, and I’m...