An Interview With Dr. Garrett

An Interview With Dr. Garrett

Recently, Dr. Garrett was interviewed by Christa Flitcroft. You can read the interview below, or if you’d prefer video format, click here. Christa: If you want to go ahead, just start by telling me your career and what that looks like for you daily. Dr. Garrett: I am...
An Interview With Counselor Leah

An Interview With Counselor Leah

Recently, Counselor Leah was recently interviewed by Christa Flitcroft. You can read the interview below, or if you’d prefer video format, click here. Christa: If you would tell me what it is that your career is and what that looks like for you on a day-to-day....
What Is Panic Disorder?

What Is Panic Disorder?

Living with panic disorder can be a debilitating experience and can impact every aspect of an individual’s life. The disorder can cause the individual to experience doubt about themselves as well as live in constant fear of what their day, week, month, and the rest of...
Learning From Grief

Learning From Grief

According to the American Psychological Association, grief is defined as the anguish experienced after a significant loss, usually the death of a beloved person. Grief affects everyone differently but we can all learn from the grieving process. Regardless of who we...
Career Counseling & Second Career Adults

Career Counseling & Second Career Adults

Rarely does our first job stay our permanent career for the entirety of our working life. In fact, it’s estimated that the average person has twelve jobs in their lifetime (U.S. Bureau of Statistics, 2023). Additionally, the Covid-19 pandemic had a great impact on job...