Mental Health Topics

We have put together a series of helpful advice that we hope helps you to capture some information and skills to help you learn more about mental health and how to achieve a better life balance.

What Is Mindfulness-Based Therapy?

What Is Mindfulness-Based Therapy?

The formal definition of Mindfulness-Based Therapy is: “Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) was developed by Segal, Williams and Teasdale. MBCT helps people become aware of their thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations and learn to accept them, without...

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Career Counseling & Second Career Adults

Career Counseling & Second Career Adults

Rarely does our first job stay our permanent career for the entirety of our working life. In fact, it’s estimated that the average person has twelve jobs in their lifetime (U.S. Bureau of Statistics, 2023). Additionally, the Covid-19 pandemic had a great impact on job...

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Get To Know The Garrett Counseling Team: Counselor Lee

Get To Know The Garrett Counseling Team: Counselor Lee

This week on the blog, our team sat down with Counselor Lee to help you learn more about him and his counseling approach to counseling. Interviewer: Tell us a little about where you are from. Counselor Lee: I am from Boaz, Alabama. I was born in Birmingham, but I...

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Building & Maintaining Friendships As An Adult

Building & Maintaining Friendships As An Adult

When we’re young, it often seems like making friends is second nature to us. We are going through the same social experiences as our peers, and naturally we tend to gravitate towards some of those around us and make lasting friendships. But what about when we become...

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Tips For Building A Healthy Relationship

Tips For Building A Healthy Relationship

Most couples experience some form of conflict or discord throughout their relationship. Understanding how to best approach marital/couple discord allows couples to grow closer and the relationship to continue growing positively. In this blog, we will explore common...

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5 Tips for Dealing with Sibling Conflict

5 Tips for Dealing with Sibling Conflict

Friends one minute, enemies the next? If you have multiple children, you are probably all too familiar with sibling rivalry. Sibling conflict is inevitable; however, there are some tips parents can use to help reduce and better manage sibling conflict. What Is Sibling...

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Blogs & Podcasts For The Professional Mom

Blogs & Podcasts For The Professional Mom

Research tells us that professional moms should consider prioritizing self-care and time for themselves. This is an important time to note that self-care isn't just watching Netflix and having spa days. Seeking additional support from family and friends, setting...

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