How Does Depression Affect TeensDepression can be a difficult subject, especially when it comes to your teens. However with an estimated 1 in 5 teens suffering from depression, it is a subject that is important to talk about! In this blog, we are going to take a look at “how does depression affect teens”.

What Are Symptoms Of Depression In Teens?

You may notice changes in your teen and wonder if they are normal, age-related changes or if they are something you should check into. It is important to note that depression comes in all shapes and sizes, and depression does not discriminate and can often come out of nowhere. We know your goal as a parent is to keep your child safe, the following symptoms can be a sign that you might want to seek professional help:

  • Increased Crying Spells
  • Sleeping/Eating More or Less
  • Weight Gain or Loss
  • Irritability
  • Isolation
  • Decrease in Communication
  • Avoidance

Seeking Help

If you notice changes in your teen, never be afraid to discuss it with your teen and their healthcare provider. Often mental health issues carry a stigma that can prevent teens from asking for help or even keep parents from seeking help for their teen. Just as with any other organ, when the brain doesn’t function properly, many issues can arise. Depression, when left untreated, can lead to additional mental and physical health issues.

Supporting Your Teen

It is important to validate your teen’s feelings and assure them that they have support when they need it. Remember, your child may suffer from depression in different ways that others you know. If medication is a concern for you or your child, it’s important to note that with early intervention, medication may not be necessary. With consistent counseling, support, intentional work at home, exercise, and healthy eating habits, your teen’s mood could significantly increase.

As we close, we want to encourage you to never be afraid to speak up for your child and do what is best for them! At Garrett Counseling, we have a team of counselors that have experience working with teens and their families as they face depression. Contact us today at (256) 239-5662 or online to find out more about how we can support you and your child.

This blog was written by Kristin Hurst, a mental health counselor at Garrett Counseling in Jacksonville, AL.