Have you ever “woken up on the wrong side of the bed?” Truth be told, sleep and your mental health have a very strong connection to each other. Today we will dive into how sleep affects your mental health exploring things like the often asked question of, “Do I get enough sleep?” as well as reasons to seek therapy if you have challenges with getting a decent night of sleep.

how does sleep affect your mental health?

The Importance of Sleep Cycles

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported that “More than one third of American adults are not getting enough sleep on a regular basis.” They further state that “Seven to nine hours is what is needed to maintain good health for the majority of adults.” There are two cycles of sleep, “quiet sleep” and REM, and they cycle about every 90 minutes. In the REM stage of sleep, we retain memories. It’s also where learning and mental health are maintained. For many, it’s surprising how many consequences there are to REM sleep disruption. Some include; disrupting normal hormone levels, the ability to regulate emotions, and impaired thinking.

When emotions are on the fritz and thinking is foggy, you are at risk for irritability, depression, and anxiety. Anxiety often leads to sleep difficulties. Which means low quality sleep. If you are dealing with depression, you may sleep too much or battle insomnia. Either way, sleep cycles are out of whack creating more issues. These are only a few of the effects sleep has on mental health and reasons to seek therapy.

Let Garrett Help You Sleep Better!

To learn more about how sleep affects your mental health, follow this link for more info and take our sleep quiz. If you are struggling with getting a restful night of sleep, contact Garrett today and speak with one of our professionals to find out how we can help! Call us today at (256) 239-5662, or send us a message. We offer in-person and telehealth appointments from three convenient locations, Jacksonville, Boaz, and Huntsville. Call us today!