Alabama Counseling CentersIf you are looking for a compassionate counselor in Alabama, Garrett Counseling has three convenient locations to serve you and your family. We specialize in the needs of children of all ages and adults covering a variety of issues. Here is a bit more about our Alabama counseling center services and locations.


We provide service for individuals, families, adults, adolescents, and children. No matter which of our Alabama counseling locations you choose, we have counselors skilled in all areas of expertise. A partial list of targeted issues is listed below, but feel free to contact us for any therapy need:

  • Divorce
  • Grief counseling
  • Premarital counseling
  • PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)
  • Empty nest syndrome
  • Depression (adults and adolescents)
  • Anxiety
  • Chronic illness
  • Parenting concerns/issues

Additionally, Garrett Counseling is a certified provider for AutPlay Therapy. Counseling sessions are conducted in-person and online through real-time video. In addition, teletherapy sessions are a great alternative for anyone who feels safer and more secure in their own home environment.


Our fully staffed Huntsville office is located just off of 72 and west of 255. We have experienced and dedicate counselor ready to help you or your children with a variety of issues. If you need directions, please click here and then click on “directions.”


If you live or work in Boaz area, you’ll find our office right off of 431. However, if you’re better with using landmarks, you’ll find us just north of Boaz Middle and High Schools.   Click here for more detailed directions. We have several compassionate counselors on staff ready to help you through grief, overcome anxiety or any of our other services.


Right across the street from Jacksonville High School is our Jacksonville office. You’ll find support from any one of our staff for you as an individual, for you and your spouse or for your child or children. Click here if you need further directions.

Trust Our Alabama Counseling Centers

With three locations in Alabama, Garrett Counseling has compassionate counselors with decades of experience. Of course, we accept many different insurances and are ready to help you through whatever life circumstance you, your child, or your family are facing. Call us today at (256) 239-5662 to schedule your appointment. Or, you can fill out the information form here, and one of our staff members will be in touch with you shortly.