The thought of taking your child to a counselor can be a bit scary. Play therapy is a unique approach that our skilled experts use to interact with your child. This method utilizes the natural abilities your child has in expressing themselves to resolve conflict through play.
What is Play Therapy?
Children do not always possess the capability of being able to express their emotions. In play therapy we give the child some toys and allowed to play freely during their session. As they interact with the items they choose, a counselor gains insight into underlying issues that may be related to their behavior. This allows the counselor to then begin exploring emotions with your child and dealing with any unresolved trauma. To the untrained eye, play therapy simply looks like a normal part of a child’s day. To a trained therapist, it can be a wealth of insightful information.
Benefits of Play Therapy
Play Therapy International states that 70% of children are helped through the use of evidence-based practices such as play therapy. Fine motor skills, gross motor skills, and language are a few of the benefits that result from this approach. Other benefits include the following:
- Developing problem-solving skills
- Discovering coping mechanisms
- Self-respect
- Improved social skills
- Decreased anxiety
- Respect for others
- Learning to take responsibility for their own actions
At first, your child may be apprehensive when meeting with the counselor. As they spend time together, trust will begin to grow. Inevitably, once we’ve established trust, your child will become more creative in their play and increasingly verbal.
Adjunct Therapy
This specific method of treatment for your child is intended to work alongside any medications or other treatments if necessary, not replace them. To better serve you and your family, we offer in-person appointments in three locations, Albertville / Boaz, Huntsville, and Jacksonville. Although we do still offer teletherapy visits, we don’t generally recommend them for pediatric appointments. Contact us today by filling out the confidential online form or calling (256) 239-5662.