finding purpose is a journeyHave you ever asked yourself, “What is my purpose in life? What was I put on this earth to do?” You are definitely not alone! Finding purpose in life can seem overwhelming and, for some, it’s a journey. It may even cause anxiety if we allow outside opinions (or our own expectations) to run wild in our minds rather than focusing on goals, planning, and breaking things down into bite-size pieces.

Finding your purpose doesn’t mean finding a job or finding the right partner. In many cases, people have the career, the family, the social circle, but something still feels like it’s missing. From the outside looking in, you may seem to have it all, but a true purpose may be absent.

What is Purpose? defines purpose as “The reason for which something exists;” and “To set as an aim, intention, or goal for oneself.” To have purpose means to have something that fulfills you on a level that no material possession or other human can. It’s important to you and gives you a sense of satisfaction.

How can Counseling Help?

Sometimes when we’re looking at the whole picture, trying to find anything sensical is next to impossible to identify. Counseling is a perfect gateway to finding your purpose. A counselor is trained to deconstruct thoughts overwhelming to us and tasks them into smaller segments. In addition to breaking things down into tolerable tidbits, they are also able to detect any psychological barriers that may be hindering your focus or your ability to live life with meaning and realizing your value.

Let Us Help You

If you are searching for that something that’s missing, Garrett Counselors are standing by to help you do the soul-searching work to reach the destiny of your purpose. We have three convenient locations to serve you better. Visit us at Albertville / Boaz, Jacksonville, or Huntsville today. Call us at (256) 3239-5662 to start your journey today!