Jun 30, 2021 | Therapy, Uncategorized
WIn part one of our mini blog series regarding reasons for therapy, we briefly introduced the wide range of circumstances that could warrant seeking out a counselor. We briefly touched on a couple reasons and how therapy could be beneficial. In part two of our blog...
Jun 28, 2021 | Therapy, Uncategorized
Today we’re starting a mini-blog series on reasons for therapy. We’ll start this off by saying, if you want to go to therapy, you should. Just wanting to is a good enough reason. However, if you want to know some of the common reasons for therapy as heard by our...
Jun 25, 2021 | Guilt, Uncategorized
Guilt is defined by Merriam-Webster as feelings of deserving blame, especially for imagined offenses or from a sense of inadequacy and a feeling of deserving blame for offenses. Guilt does not always come from events that actually took place. It can manifest through...
Jun 23, 2021 | Therapy, Uncategorized
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, an estimated 12.5% of adults experience a phobia at some point in their life. Phobia is defined as an exaggerated usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation...
Jun 21, 2021 | Trauma, Uncategorized
If you’ve been injured in an accident, it’s common knowledge that your physical injuries and your car repair or replacement are covered through insurance. But did you know that you can claim emotional distress and trauma therapy as well? Pain and Suffering Being in a...
Jun 18, 2021 | Therapy, Uncategorized
The day has come and you have decided to seek out a therapist. One question you may be facing is, “Which therapist is right for me?” With terms like therapist, counselor, psychologist, and psychiatrist, it’s easy to see where the decision may not be so...
Jun 16, 2021 | Therapy, Uncategorized
Have you ever asked yourself, “What is my purpose in life? What was I put on this earth to do?” You are definitely not alone! Finding purpose in life can seem overwhelming and, for some, it’s a journey. It may even cause anxiety if we allow outside opinions (or...
Jun 14, 2021 | Grief, Uncategorized
Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult experiences in life we will encounter. Whether you have lost a spouse, a parent, a child, a grandparent, another family member, or even a close friend, grief can feel unbearable at times. Because grieving is a process,...
Jun 11, 2021 | Therapy, Uncategorized
Most of us go to the dentist twice a year and we get a physical check up once a year. Those both help us know that our bodies are in good physical shape and healthy. You should think of therapy as a mental health checkup that you do on a regular basis. Benefits of...
Jun 9, 2021 | Anxiety, Current Events, Uncategorized
You’re Not Alone Many people are suffering from what is being called “no-mask anxiety.” Now that we’re told we don’t have to wear a mask, we’re unsure. Although it sounds simple enough, after all we’ve not regularly worn masks...
Jun 7, 2021 | ADHD, Autism, Uncategorized
AutPlay Therapy is a unique approach that combines play therapy with psychological therapy and utilizes a partnership between parents and the therapist. The goal is to foster relationship development between the parent and child with the goal being a positive outcome...
Jun 2, 2021 | Couples, Parenting, Uncategorized
For so many years, you’ve been a parent, but now your children have grown and moved on. The house seems empty and eerily quiet. You wake up each day with no school lunches to pack or school functions to attend. Almost overnight, you have experienced a significant...