Views and opinions about counseling varies depending on your era and your the family dynamic. Maybe you were taught to put on a game face and suck it up no matter what just happened. Or your family lived by the rule that nobody needs to know our business. Unfortunately, the stigma of therapy keeps people from becoming the best versions of themselves. Today we’re going to address two common myths about therapy and explain how counseling can help you.
Myth #1 – Something is Wrong with Me if I Seek Therapy
You go to the doctor for check ups, right? Mental health is no different. When you go to the doctor, if you’re experiencing any kind of illness or ailment, you receive a prescription. That prescription could be medication, exercises, or other modality to help heal your physical body. Similarly, your mental health needs maintenance so you can function at your best possible level. Whether you have a temporary stressor that you need coping skills to navigate through, or something more serious that requires in-depth counseling services, seeking help does not mean you’re crazy or that something is wrong with you.
Myth #2 – I Don’t Need a Counselor, I Can Talk to My Friends
The myth about therapy being unnecessary as long as you have friends is untrue. Talking with a counselor is not the same as talking to your friends. A counselor’s training allows them to focus on the issues. They have set boundaries within conversation. From there they can help you develop strategies based on your needs and wants to accept or learn coping skills or remove yourself from the situation. In other words, they stay in their lane. Their job is to help you find a solution. There is certainly nothing wrong in talking with your friends, but more than likely, they can’t stay impartial to your situation and will offer advice that may not be the best option for you.
Have a Question?
If you have heard something about counseling that you want answered, fill out our contact form or call us at (256) 239-5662. We’ll let you know if it’s another one of the myths about therapy. Garrett Counseling has offices in Huntsville, Jacksonville and Albertville / Boaz with available appointment. Call us at (256) 239-5662 and get your question answered or schedule an appointment today.