Alabama doesn’t experience harsh winters like northern states with blizzards and snow days, but seasonal depression is still very real here. Shorter days, less sunlight, the let down of the end of the holidays and loneliness now that family has gone home and kids are back in school all lead to seasonal depression. Although you may be able to overcome your seasonal depression for some depression treatment in Huntsville, AL becomes necessary.
What is Seasonal Depression?
Simply put, seasonal depression is feeling blue, low mood, lethargic, or moodiness usually beginning in late fall and continuing until spring. This is commonly diagnosed as Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD. Symptoms of SAD may include the following:
- Trouble concentrating
- Feeling blue
- Decreased interest in things you typically enjoy
- Loss of energy or feeling fatigued
- Sleeping more than usual or difficulty getting to or staying sleeping
The good news is that these unwanted feelings with the season changes are treatable. Therapists with experience in depression treatment in Huntsville, AL, work with clients suffering from seasonal depression year after year.
What You Can Do To Kick The Blues
One of the most important things you can do to kick the blues is get outside! There are so many benefits you can gain from sunlight and fresh air. Exposure to the sun increases the production of serotonin which is your brain’s “happy” hormone. Serotonin is connected with helping you feel calm and boosting your mood. Soaking in the sun’s rays can also help decrease your blood pressure, reduce stress, and help you get a better night’s sleep.
Find Joy Through All the Seasons with Garrett Counseling
With Garrett’s multiple locations, you can receive depression treatment in Huntsville, AL, or counseling in Jacksonville. Our third location in Boaz and virtual appointments truly makes your mental health our priority in being able to connect with you no matter where you are in Alabama. If you would like more information on overcoming winter blues, contact Garrett Counseling by calling (256) 239-5662 today. You can also reach us here, and one of our advocate specialists will be with you as soon as possible.